Centre for Biodiversity &  Conservation Studies


A Centre of Excellence of Osmania University under MoE-RUSA 2.0 Project 

“"Look closely at nature. Every species is a masterpiece, exquisitely adapted to the particular environment in which it has survived. Who are we to destroy or even diminish biodiversity?”

E. O. Wilson

The centre aims to ...

increase and disseminate the knowledge on biodiversity of the region, document and monitor biodiversity in Telangana State, forge collaborative research, and train human resources through experiential learning.

You too can contribute...

Since 2007, the researchers of the Wildlife Biology and Taxonomy Lab of the Department of Zoology, Osmania University have been compiling the list of flora and fauna present in various parts of Telangana State and Andhra Pradesh resulting in information on >9500 species. The data was compiled based on published literature, field surveys, personal observations, and museum-based records. 

We have created a Citizen Science Project that aims to add to this database through documentation of flora and fauna present in Telangana State through citizen partnership, collaboration and contribution.

Applied Research

We conduct state of the art research on biodiversity and conservation issues to find scientific and long-term solutions…

Capacity Building

We organize workshops to enhance biodiversity related skills, train human resources to carry out bidiversity and conservation related activities…  

Outreach Programmes

The Centre aims to create awareness on various aspects of biodiversity and conservation amongst the general public through outreach… 

Our Collaborators & Partners